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Home → Olahraga → 21 Manfaat Hula Hoop Untuk Wanita – Diet dan Keseh

1. Mengurangi Lemak Perut

Manfaat hula hoop bagi tubuh yang paling cepat terasa adalah dapat mengurangi lemak perut. Bagi Anda yang berkeinginan mengurangi lemak di bagian perut, salah satu olahraga yang bisa dilakukan ialah dengan menggunakan hula hoop. Hal ini dikarenakan saat Anda menggerakkan perut dengan gerakan melingkar menggunakan hula hoop, lemak di bagian perut akan terbakar dan hilang. Diantara waktu yang direkomendasikan agar memperoleh hasil yang maksimal, Anda harus menggunakan hula hoop minimal selama 30 menit setiap harinya.

2. Meluruhkan Lemak di Pinggang

Selain mengurangi lemak di bagian perut, melakukan olahraga dengan menggunakan hula hoop juga mampu mengurangi lemak di bagian pinggang. Hal ini karena goyangan pinggul selama memutar hula hoop secara konsisten dapat meluruhkan lemak di bagian pinggang. Meskipun sebenarnya lemak di bagian pinggang susah untuk dihilangkan, tetapi dengan melakukan olahraga menggunakan hula hoop secara teratur, rutin, dan serius terbukti ampuh. Oleh karena itu, olahraga hula hoop juga dijadikan bagian di berbagai pusat kebugaran pada kelas aerobik selain melakukan senam.

3. Mengencangkan Pinggul

Bagi Anda, terutama kaum wanita yang kurang percaya diri dengan pinggulnya yang besar apalagi pasca melahirkan, dapat menggunakan hula hoop sebagai piranti olahraga yang juga mampu memberikan manfaat untuk mengencangkan pinggul. Hal ini dikarenakan olahraga menggunakan hula hoop bisa membakar lemak dan kalori tubuh, termasuk yang ada di pinggul hingga tampak kencang, di samping otot-otot pada pinggul yang juga terpengaruh ketika memutarkan hula hoop. Dari sekian banyak orang yang telah mencobanya, olahraga menggunakan hula hoop dalam jangka waktu sebulan secara teratur, rutin, dan serius terbukti ampuh untuk mengencangkan pinggul.


For all of its problems, 2011's Homefront introduced an interesting Red Dawn-like concept, and revisiting post-invasion America in an open-world first-person shooter format sounded promising; but this fledgling FPS franchise has let me down again. There are some genuinely good ideas in Homefront: The Revolution, but nearly every one of them comes with a big fat "but." While initially engaging, the stealth and shooter gameplay quickly becomes tedious, the story is terrible, and a general lack of polish means Homefront: The Revolution fails to make finishing its 20-hour campaign feel worthwhile.

Where The Revolution does succeed is in the atmospheric design of its world. The backstory of a North Korea-occupied United States is present in every part of developer Dambuster's version of Philadelphia. From bombed-out homes to historic landmarks converted into propaganda-covered re-education centers, the authoritarian atmosphere is ever-present.

While it's described as an open world, The Revolution's map is made up of eight separate districts that the main quest drives you through in a decidedly linear order, with few reasons to return to an old one when you're through. The Red Zones, where the fighting was heaviest during the initial invasion, are mostly defined by ruined buildings and piles of rubble. Aside from the occasional switch in color pallets and a few landmarks in the downtown area, these desolate no-man's-land areas feel almost indistinguishable from one another.

Earlston is dirty, the people seem miserable, and it must smell awful.

The populated Yellow Zones, however, are much more diverse and each tells its own story. Earlston, which you visit early on, feels like little more than a glorified refugee camp. It's dirty, the people seem miserable, and it must smell awful. Ashcroft, on the other hand, is where the American KPA collaborators reside, and the alleyways between brownstones are always alive with resentful chatter from the rest of the downtrodden population. While on a technical level the graphics may be underwhelming, the streets of Philadelphia feel world-weary and lived-in.

It's a shame that such a well-crafted world is squandered on such a ponderous and uninspired plot. The story of Homefront: The Revolution is nothing more than a string of forgettable mission objectives sewn together with cliches pulled from the Big Book of Military Shooter Tropes. There were several times that I hoped I might be surprised by an interesting reveal, but alas I was merely treated to yet another facepalm-inducing "twist". Classic eye-rolling moments like "Tertiary Character Gets Bonus Emotional Investment Upon Death" or "Curse Your Sudden-But-Inevitable Betrayal!" are presented by a cast of characters who spend all their time yelling over one another with groan-worthy one-liners.

While there are plenty of discussions meant to make us ponder the fine line between freedom fighter and terrorist, any weight these moments might have had is lost when our boring, mute protagonist silently nods and blindly agrees to blow up the next power station, drone factory or whatever else the Resistance points you at. There are no meaningful decisions to make, which makes me wonder why they didn't give the main character his own voice if his path is set in stone.

How To Unhook A Bra With One Hand

The art and science of taking off your girls bra takes some amount of luck and a lot of practice to master. If she finds out that you are useless when it comes to unhooking the doors to her treasures, chances are that she might start thinking that you will struggle in bed as well.

Therefore, it's really important for you guys to master the art of taking off a girl's bra stealthily and smoothly.

Back Clasping Bras

As back clasping bras are by far the most common types worn by women, your fingers should always proceed there by default. Back clasping bras can be quite difficult to unhook as there's no way you can see where your fingers are moving. The clasping system can have either one, two or three clasps that hook into the eyelets that are fixed on the other strap. To unclasp a bra, you need to release the hooks that are attached to the eyelets. There are several different tactics to do this. While the two handed method is the easiest, it can only be done if you and your partner are sitting face to face. So let's discuss the very artful single handed method.
The single handed method is a lot more complicated than using both hands, for the simple reason that often you can only afford to use just one hand to do the job. So carefully read these Xpert tips to ensure that you don't frown and fumble the next time when you are faced with an implacable bra.

- Assuming that you are facing her, take one hand behind her underneath her clothing.

- Then slide your index finger from top between the bra and back, so that your nail is actually facing her skin.

- Using your index finger gently pull the straps of her bra from her back, thereby creating a smallish gap between her back and the bra.

- Then, use your middle finger and your thumb to squeeze the bra inwards. Once you have done this, remove the index finger.

- Now move the thumb outwards and the middle finger inwards in a snapping motion, which just pull the eyelets out of the hooks.

- And you are done. It's a little tricky, so make sure that you practice this method a few times before trying it on your girl.

Front Clasping Bras

The front clasp, as shown in the illustration, isn't all that difficult to undo, but because they aren't as common as back clasping bras, they can be a tad difficult to identify. So when your fingers start exploring your girl's back for those elusive clasps and you aren't able to locate them, then don't take too long to figure out that she probably prefers wearing front clasping bras. Though the fastening system in these bras tends to vary, the one shown in the illustration is by far the most common among them. It basically has a plastic hook going through the eyelet of the second strap.

Removing front clasping bras stealthily is hardly possible because of the simple reason that they are right there in front of you. You can easily use both your hands to remove these bras, once you have understood how this system works. Just grab each clasp with one hand and pull them towards each other, unlatching the clasp. Gently twist the plastic clasp by ninety degrees that would allow it to move out of the eyelet. And Voila!


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Manfaat Buah Sirsak untuk Kesehatan

Sirsak adalah buah berwarna hijau dan biasanya memiliki rasa manis bercampur asam. Buah sirsak sangat segar sekali jika dijadikan minuman yang dibubuhi es di dalamnya. Ternyata buah ini tak hanya berfungsi untuk menyegarkan tenggorokan anda yang haus saja. Buah ini ternyata memiliki banyak nutrisi yang sangat baik untuk kesehatan tubuh anda. Nutrisi yang terkandung dalam buah ini antara lain kalsium, mineral, aneka vitamin dan serat.

Manfaat Buah Sirsak untuk Kesehatan
Beberapa tahun belakangan ini banyak sekali penelitian tentang khasiat buah yang satu ini. Hasil penelitian tersebut sangat membuat banyak pihak terkejut karena ternyata sirsak memiliki banyak manfaat. Lalu apa saja manfaat dari buah sirsak ini? Simak info nya berikut ini:

Mengusir kolesterol jahat

Sirsak tak hanya mengandung vitamin C tetapi juga mengandung serat yang baik sekali untuk tubuh. Serat pada buah sirsak ternyata bisa menyerap kolesterol jahat yang terdapat pada tubuh. Sehingga yang tersisa di dalam tubuh adalah kolesterol yang baik saja. Jadi, untuk anda yang ingin sehat tanpa kolesterol jahat minumlah segelas jus sirsak dengan teratur. Anda tahu sendiri bukan jika tubuh yang dipenuhi dengan banyak kolesterol jahat bisa mengundang banyak penyakit? Baca juga artikel mengenai cara menurunkan kolesterol untuk penjelasan lebih lengkap.

Menjaga imunitas tubuh

Di dalam 300 gram buah sirsak, ternyata mengandung 60 miligram vitamin C. Kandungan vitamin C dalam sirsak yang tinggi setidaknya sudah bisa memenuhi kebutuhan tubuh akan vitamin C. Selain itu vitamin C ini memiliki peran penting dalam tubuh yakni menjaga sistem imun tubuh, menangkal radikal bebas hingga mencegah penuaan dini. Untuk itu jika anda ingin terlihat segar dan muda, konsumsi lah buah sirsak secara teratur.

Baik untuk tulang

Buah yang satu ini memang memiliki kandungan yang sangat banyak dan baik sekali untuk tubuh. Selain vitamin C, buah ini juga mengandung kalsium dan fosfor yang baik sekali untuk menjaga kesehatan tulang anda. Di setiap 100 gram buah sirsak ternyata mengandung 14 miligram kalsium serta 27 miligram fosfor. Tak hanya nutrisi itu saja yang menyebabkan sirsak bisa menjaga tulang anda.

Sirsak juga ternyata mengandung zat tembaga. Zat tembaga ini memiliki fungsi penting karena bisa membantu penyerapan kalsium pada tulang. Jika kalsium terserap baik oleh tulang, pastilah tulang anda menjadi lebih kuat dan tak mudah terserang penyakit osteoporosis.

Mencegah kanker

Tak hanya nutrisi berupa vitamin saja yang terkandung dalam buah sirsak. Sirsak ternyata juga mengandung senyawa fitokimia yang bernama Annonaceous acetogenins. Senyawa fitikimia ini ternyata baik sekali untuk menangkal berbagai virus yang bisa menyebabkan penyakit berbahaya seperti kanker. Beberapa jenis kanker ternyata bisa dicegah dengan cara mengkonsumsi sirsak. Diantaranya kanker prostat, kanker payudara, kanker usus besar dan masih ada beberapa jenis kanker lainnya. Untuk mencegah penyakit ini anda bisa mengkonsumsi sirsak secara teratur. Baik mengkonsumsi nya secara langsung ataupun mengkonsumsi olahannya yang berbentuk obat.


Menghilangkan bisul

Bisul adalah penyakit yang sebenarnya tidak berbahaya. Tetapi mungkin bisul yang timbul pada kulit anda akan menjadikan anda kurang percaya diri. Bisul tak hanya bisa diobati dengan menggunakan salep saja. Ternyata bisul bisa diobati dengan obat-obat alami seperti buah sirsak.

Cara menjadikan sirsak sebagai obat bisul juga cukup mudah. Pisahkan sirsak dari isinya. Lalu haluskan hingga lembut seperti bubur. Setelah itu tempel kan adonan sirsak tersebut pada kulit anda yang terkena bisul. Biarkan hingga kering beberapa saat. Setelah kering, basuhlah dengan air hangat hingga bersih. Lakukan perawatan ini selama beberapa kali hingga bisul yang menempel pada kulit anda menghilang.

Mengatasi migrain

Apakah anda sering mengalami migrain atau sakit kepala sebelah? Jika benar, biasanya anda akan mengobatinya menggunakan obat dari dokter. Tapi obat dari dokter aja tak akan cukup. Anda juga butuh nutrisi alami yang terbuat dari bahan alami pula. Nutrisi alami yang bisa mengobati migrain anda adalah buah sirsak. Ini dikarenakan buah sirsak mengandung riboflavin atau vitamin B2 yang tinggi. Vitamin B2 inilah yang bisa mengatasi sakit migrain yang anda derita.

Menjaga kelembaban kulit

Buah sirsak ternyata bisa menjaga kelembaban kulit anda. Ini dikarenakan buah sirsak memiliki kandungan vitamin C yang tinggi. Kandungan vitamin C inilah yang bisa membantu untuk melembapkan kulit. Jika dikonsumsi secara teratur, buah ini bisa menjadikan kulit anda lebih lembab dan bersinar. Anda bisa mengkonsumsi nya secara langsung, menjadikannya jus atau bahkan menjadikannya masker wajah. Jika kulit anda lembab dan bersinar, pastilah anda akan terlihat lebih mudah bukan?

Baca juga artikel lainnya tentang manfaat buah-buahan di bawah ini:

Manfaat Buah Melon untuk Kesehatan
Manfaat Buah Delima untuk Kesehatan
Manfaat Buah Anggur untuk Kesehatan
Manfaat Buah Semangka untuk Kesehatan
Mengatasi wasir

Wasir atau ambeien tidak hanya perlu memerlukan obat saja untuk menyembuhkannya. Anda juga perlu nutrisi alami untuk mempercepat sembuh nya wasir. Anda bisa menggunakan buah sirsak untuk membantu cepat sembuh nya wasir yang anda derita.

Caranya pembuatan obat wasir dari sirsak juga mudah. Pertama, anda bisa menyeduh sirsak dengan air panas. Setelah itu pisahkan antara buah dan airnya. Lalu peras lah buah sirsak yang diseduh tadi. Ambil airnya dan minumlah. Minum ramuan khusus wasir ini selama dua kali sehari hingga wasir anda dipastikan sembuh.

Menyembuhkan dan mencegah anemia

Untuk anda yang sering mengalami anemia sehingga membuat anda mengalami lemas, tak ada salahnya untuk mengkonsumsi sirsak setiap hari. Ini dikarenakan sirsak juga bisa membantu meningkatkan sel darah merah pada tubuh. Untuk anda yang belum terjangkit anemia, anda juga disarankan untuk meminumnya karena buah sirsak juga bisa digunakan untuk mencegah anemia.

Manfaat buah srsak yang begitu banyak, tentunya sangat sayang untuk kita lewatkan. Maka tidak ada salahnya jika kita sekali-kali mengkonsumsi buah yang mirip dengan nangka dan srikaya ini.

Ciri Ciri Gejala Awal Penyakit Kanker Payudara

Berbagai jenis penyakit biasanya sebelum masuk pada kondisi yang berbahaya tentu sebelumnya menimbulkan berbagai ciri ciri ataupun gejala yang timbul pada tubuh seperti kanker payudara, hanya saja karena kita semua kurang mengerti dan memahami akan ciri ciri penyakit kanker payudara menyebabkan kondisi tersebut dibiarkan dan tidak dilakukan pencegahan atau pengobatan sejak dini yang menjadikan berkembang dan bertambah parah setelah jangka waktu tertentu.

Ciri ciri penyakit kanker payudara pada stadium awal tentu penting dan sangat bermanfaat jika kita memahaminya, berikut adalah ciri ciri gejala awal penyakit kanker payudara :

1. Adanya Benjolan Didaerah Payudara/Ketiak

Benjolan bisa terjadi pada payudara/ketiak gejala ini menjadi tahap awal yang terjadi maka dari itu penting untuk kita waspada atau melakukan pencegahan sejak dini untuk mengurangi resiko bahaya ciri ciri penyakit kanker payudara

2. Warna, Ukuran dan Bentuk Payudara Mengalami Perubahan

Perubahan ukuran atau bentuk payudara menjadi salah satu ciri fisik yang dapat kita lihat akan gejala awal penyakit kanker payudara, hal tersebut bisa terjadi pengecilan ukuran, pembesaran ukuran pada salah satu atau perubahan warna pada daerah payuadara.

3. Adanya Kerutan di Sekitar Payudara

Ciri selanjutnya adalah terjadinya kerutan disebagain payudara yang lingkupannya kecil, payudara normal kulitnya tidak berkerut ataupun kasar, tetapi jika payudara tidak normal kulitnya kasar dan disebagian daerah ada kerutan.

4. Keluarnya Cairan Dari Puting Baik Coklat, Bening, Kental/Encer

Gejala ini sudah masuk pada posisi siaga atau harus segera dilakukan pencegahan sejak dini, kenapa demikian karena apabila keluarnya sesuatu cairan secara tiba-tiba baik itu putih, bening, encer, kental itu tanda bahwa kondisi kesehatan payudara anda sedang tidak sehat atau bahkan dengan keluarnya cairan coklat, darah ini sudah masuk pada kondisi kronis yang harus dilakukan pengobatan.

5. Rasa Nyeri Yang Tak Kunjung Hilang Di Bagian Tertentu

Rasa nyeri yang terjadi bisa disebabkan saat menstruasi/kehamilan tetapi rasa nyeri disini rasa nyeri yang tidak hilang meskipun tidak saat menstruasi/hamil dan posisinya menetap. Jika hal tersebut sudah terjadi maka segera konsultasikan kesehatan payudara anda.

6. Puting Masuk Ke Dalam

Gejala selanjutnya yang harus diwaspadai adalah masuknya puting baik salah satu atau keduanya, kondisi normal puting susu normal kalaupun kecil itu akan sejajar dengan kulitnya dan jika tidak demikian maka diwajibkan segera lakukan pemerikasaan.

7. Gatal, Bersisik Sakit, dan Ruam di Puting Susu

Faktor lain yang dapat menjadi ciri ciri penyakit kanker payudara adalah timbulnya gatal yang tidak terduga di sekitar daerah payudara. Gatal ini dapat terjadi dalam skala kecil ataupun besar, selain itu terjadinya kondisi lain didaerah kulit payudara seperti bersisik dan ruam pada puting, kondisi ini tentu harus segera dilakukan pencegahan dan pengobatan penyakit kanker payudara.

Gejala Lanjut Ciri Ciri Penyakit Kanker Payudara Yang Berbahaya

Pemahaman gejala awal diatas adalah cara terbaik mencegah penyakit kanker payudara, dan berikut ini tanda gejala penyakit kanker payudara yang sudah menyebar dan mempengaruhi organ tubuh lain :

Nyeri tulang, Mual, Kehilangan nafsu makan
Penurunan berat badan, Penyakit kuning
Penumpukan cairan di sekitar paru-paru (efusi pleura)
Sesak napas, Sakit kepala hebat dan tidak lekas sembuh
Batuk, Penglihatan ganda, Kelemahan otot
5 Point diatas adalah kondisi dimana kanker sudah berkembang, maka dari itu penting bagi kita sebagai wanita mencegah dan memahami tanda gejala awal ciri ciri penyakit kanker payudara.

Solusi Terbaik Pengobatan dan Pencegahan Tanpa Operasi Penyakit Kanker Payudara

logo-ace-maxsDirekomendasikan obat herbal ACE MAXS untuk anda penderita penyakit kelenjar payudara, tumor ganas / kanker payudara, dan bagi anda juga yang ingin mencegah agar terhindar dari resiko berbahaya penyakit tumor. ACE MAXS adalah obat tumor payudara tradisional multikhasiat yang alami dalam mengobati berbagai jenis penyakit organ intim wanita, bahan dasar ACE MAXS adalah dari perpaduan herbal pilihan terbaik dengan memadukan keseluruhan ekstrak buah manggis, daun sirsak, madu murni, apel, dan bunga rosela hitam.

Bahan dasar ace maxs memiliki berbagai fungsi dan khasiat dalam pengobatan kanker diantaranya:

Anti-oxidant (racun dalam badan)acemaxs-sehat
Anti-viral (membunuh kuman)
Anti-biotic (memodulasi infeksi bakteri)
Anti-fungal (infeksi oleh jamur)
Antibakteri (Membunuh bakteri)
Antiviruss (Membunuh virus)
Antikanker (Membunuh kanker)
Antitumor (Membunuh tumor)
Antiparasit (Membunuh parasit)
Antiradikalbebeas (Membunuh radikal bebas)
Anti-tumor and cancer prevention (Mencegah kanker)
Astrigen (Zat yang bersifat mengerutkan/menciutkan selaput lendir)
Antimutagenik (Zat yang bersifat menghambat mutasi gen)
Analgetik (Zat yang dapat meredakan rasa nyeri / sakit)

Nama                      : Lenny Helena Astuti
Umur                      : 25 tahun
Asal                         : Jakarta
Profesi                   : Manajer Accounting
Penyakit               : Kanker Payudara Stadium 2
Betapa kagetnya saya ketika melakukan pemeriksaan ke dokter hasilnya saya menderita kanker payudara stadium dua. Memang, sejak awal saya abaikan kesehatan saya karena tingkat kesibukkan saya yang cukup tinggi, tuntutan pekerjaan yang harus beres dan suasana emosi yang kurang baik menambah beban pikiran. Ada gejala-gejala seperti nyeri sesekali di payudara saya tetapi saya pikir itu hal biasa. Saya lantas berobat jalan dengan dokter dan diberikan obat kanker, tetapi saran yang bijak dari dokter bahwa saya harus naik meja operasi untuk mengangkat sel kanker yang sudah mulai terhitung ganas. Namun setelah saya sharing dengan keluarga dan para sahabat saya, mereka menganjurkan saya untuk tunda operasi, coba cari cara lain dong Len, selain operasi. Saya teringat akan daun sirsak dan kulit manggis yang menurut buku-buku yang saya pernah baca bisa membantu mengobati penyakit kanker. Gayungpun bersambut, saya disuruh minum obat kanker payudara ACE MAX'S oleh salah seorang teman dari teman saya. Tidak banyak pikir saya langsung membeli 10 botol ACE MAX'S, dan mulai rutin minum 35 ml sehari 3 kali. Dalam waktu kurang dari sebulan, penyakit saya sudah mulai berangsur jinak, alias perkembangan sel kankernya tidak seganas seperti sebelum. Dengan 10 botol saja sudah memberikan harapan kesembuhan yang luar biasa buat saya, akhirnya saya beli lagi 10 botol seterusnya dan seterusnya, dan dalam tempo kurang lebih 3 bulan penyakit saya dinyatakan sembuh setelah melakukan periksa di laboratorium.

Mesothelioma Law Firm

For over three decades, the mesothelioma law firm of Early, Lucarelli, Sweeney & Meisenkothen has limited its practice to asbestos litigation. In that time, ELSM has helped thousands of mesothelioma victims get the financial compensation they deserved for injuries they sustained from asbestos products made and sold by negligent asbestos companies.

In this section, you can learn more about our firm, our experienced legal team, and the outstanding results that we have achieved for our clients. We are confident that after you learn more about us, the clients we serve, and our past track record, you will see how we can put our decades of experience winning mesothelioma settlements to work for you and your family.

Initial consultations at Early, Lucarelli, Sweeney & Meisenkothen are always free of charge and are designed to help us evaluate your case and measure your chance for a viable, successful lawsuit. We answer any questions you may have about the process thoroughly at this time. In addition, because Early, Lucarelli, Sweeney & Meisenkothen operates on a contingency fee basis, the client pays nothing unless we succeed in your behalf and money is recovered.

Meet the Partners at Early, Lucarelli, Sweeney & Meisenkothen

The Partners at ELSM will do everything in their power to make sure you and your family get the justice and financial award that you deserve.

JUSTIN BIEBER What Do You Mean lyrics

What do you mean? Oooh
When you nod your head yes

But you wanna say no
What do you mean? Heeey
When you don't want me to move
But you tell me to go
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
Said we're running out of time
What do you mean?
Oh oh oh What do you mean?
Better make up your mind
What do you mean?

You're so indecisive of what I'm saying
Trying to catch the beat, make up your heart.
Don't know if you're happy, or complaining.

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Don't want for us to end where do I start
First you wanna go to the left and you want to turn right
Wanna argue all day, making love all night.

First you up and you're down and then between

Ohh I really want to know…
What do you mean?

When you nod your head yes
But you wanna say no
What do you mean?
When you don't want me to move
But you tell me to go
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
Said we're running out of time
What do you mean?
Better make up your mind
What do you mean?
You're overprotective when I'm leaving
Trying to compromise but I can't win
You wanna make a point but you keep preaching
You had me from the start won't let this end
First you wanna go to the left then you want to turn right
Wanna argue all day make love all night
First you up and you're down then you're between
Ohh I really want to know…
What do you mean? Ooh..
When you nod your head yes
But you wanna say no.
What do you mean? (oh what do you mean)
When you don't want me to move
But you tell me to go
What do you mean?
I wanna know
Oh what do you mean?
Said you're running out of time
What do you mean? (ah baby)
Oh oh oh what do you mean?

Better make up your mind
What do you mean?
When you nod your head yes, but you wanna say no
What do you mean?
(You're so confusing baby)
Heyyy, when you don't want me to move,
But you tell me to go
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
Said we're running out of time
What do you mean?
Oh oh oh what do you mean?
Better make up your mind
What do you mean?

Reasons why kissing is great for your health

There's more to kissing than meets the eye! Not that you really need an excuse (or 10) to make kissing a priority, but you'll be smearing on your Lip Smackers and puckering up after you discover some of the amazing health benefits of kissing.

1. Boosts bonding
Whether you're smooching a baby or making out with your spouse, locking lips promotes intimacy and boosts bonding. Dawn Maslar, a biology professor and award-winning author sums it up like this: "When we kiss, both men and women produce the hormone oxytocin. It's often called the 'love hormone' because it causes us (particularly females) to bond." The fact is, we kiss the ones we love, and love the ones we kiss!

2. Spurs arousal and enhances sex
Frequent sex can enhance everything from heart health to your self-esteem, and there's no better primer for sex than kissing! As Carol Queen, the staff sexologist at Good Vibrations, points out, "Kissing is a powerful type of foreplay... it helps increase the chances that both partners will have a good and pleasurable erotic experience."

3. Fights illness
It may sound counterintuitive, but swapping spit is a great way to fend off viruses — especially if all that kissing leads to sex. Research from the journal Medical Hypotheses indicates that women build up immunity against the cytomegalovirus by kissing infected partners. Another study performed at Wilkes University found that study participants who had sex once or twice a week had higher levels of the infection-fighting antibody immunoglobulin A. So if you want to make it through cold season unscathed, it's time to pucker up!

Asbestos - Pleural mesothelioma

The lungs are the main organs for breathing and are part of the respiratory system. The respiratory system also includes the nose, mouth, windpipe (trachea) and airways to each lung. These consist of large airways (bronchi) and smaller airways (bronchioles).
The lungs look like two large, spongy cones. Each lung is made up of sections called lobes – the left lung has two lobes and the right lung has three. The lungs rest on the diaphragm, which is a wide, thin muscle that helps with breathing.
The role of pleura
The chest wall and lungs are covered by two layers of a thin sheet of tissue called the pleura.
The inner layer (visceral pleura): lines the lungs.
The outer layer (parietal pleura): lines the chest wall and the diaphragm.
Between the two layers is the pleural cavity (also called the pleural space), which normally contains a small amount of fluid. This fluid allows the two layers of pleura to slide over each other so the lungs move smoothly against the chest wall when you breathe.
When mesothelioma develops in the pleura, the delicate layers of the pleura thicken and may press on the lung, preventing it from expanding when breathing in (inhalation). When excess fluid collects between the two layers, this is known as a pleural effusion.

What is mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that starts from mesothelial cells. These cells line the outer surface of most of the body's internal organs, forming a membrane called the mesothelium. The membrane that covers the lungs is the pleura.
What are the different types?
There are two main types of mesothelioma, which are classified according to the area affected.
Pleural: This forms in the covering of the lungs. Pleural mesothelioma is the most common type, accounting for about 90% of all mesotheliomas. This type of mesothelioma is called malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM). In this book we refer to it as pleural mesothelioma or, simply, mesothelioma.
Peritoneal: This develops in the lining of the abdomen. It accounts for about 10% of cases and is called malignant peritoneal mesothelioma.
Rarely, mesothelioma occurs in the pericardium (the membrane around the heart) or the tunica vaginalis (the membrane around the testicles).
Although pleural mesothelioma develops in the chest and involves the lining of the lungs, it is not lung cancer and is diagnosed and treated differently.
Cell types of mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is also grouped according to how the cells look under a microscope. There are three main types:
Epithelioid: Cells look similar to normal mesothelial cells. This is the most common type, making up about 60% of cases.
Sarcomatoid: Cells have changed and look like cells from fibrous tissue. Accounts for about 15% of cases.
Mixed or biphasic: Has epithelioid and sarcomatoid cells. These make up about 25% of all cases.
Mesotheliomas can differ in the way they grow. Some form a mass; others grow along the pleura forming a thick covering on the lungs.
How common is pleural mesothelioma?
Australia has one of the highest rates of mesothelioma in the world. According to the Australian Mesothelioma Registry, each year close to 600 Australians are diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma. Men are over three times more likely than women to be diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma. This is probably because many cases have been caused by exposure to asbestos at work (see below). Western Australia has the most cases per population due to past asbestos mining.
Pleural mesothelioma is more common in people over the age of 70, but can sometimes occur in younger people.
What causes pleural mesothelioma?
Exposure to asbestos is generally the only known cause of mesothelioma. Sometimes mesothelioma is linked with previous radiotherapy to the chest.
Asbestos is the name of a group of naturally occurring minerals that are resistant to high temperatures and humidity. It was used in many building products in Australia from the 1940s until 1987.
People most likely to have been exposed to asbestos at work include asbestos miners and millers, transport workers (especially waterside workers), laggers and insulators, builders, plumbers and electricians, mechanics, and asbestos cement manufacturing workers.
People who haven't worked directly with asbestos but have been exposed to it can also develop mesothelioma. This can include people washing or cleaning work clothes with asbestos fibres on them or people renovating homes.
It can take many years after being exposed to asbestos for mesothelioma to develop. This is called the latency period or latent interval, and is usually between 20 and 60 years.
"I remember buying sheets of asbestos and using it in bathrooms. You didn't think about it. My kids were little and we were all out there renovating." – Carol
People who develop mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure may be able to claim compensation. It's important to get legal advice from an experienced lawyer as soon as possible after diagnosis. See making a claim.
What are the symptoms?
The earliest signs of pleural mesothelioma are often vague and similar to other conditions or diseases. If you are concerned, especially if you think you've been exposed to asbestos, see your general practitioner (GP).
Shortness of breath (breathlessness)
Most people with pleural mesothelioma experience breathlessness. You may feel like you can't catch your breath no matter what you do. It usually feels worse with activity or when you are lying down. In early mesothelioma, breathlessness is caused by a build-up of fluid in the chest (pleural effusion). See draining fluid from the pleura for information on how this can be treated.
This can be a sharp pain in the chest, which affects your breathing, or a dull pain in the shoulder and upper arm. The pain might not improve with pain relievers.
Other general symptoms
Less commonly, people notice loss of appetite with weight loss, a persistent cough, or a change in their coughing pattern. Some people also experience heavy sweating, especially at night.
What will it mean for me?
When your doctor first suggests that you may have pleural mesothelioma, you and your family will be understandably shocked. It's common to have many questions and concerns about what the diagnosis will mean for you.
To understand what is happening, it may help to break down the process into a series of steps. The diagram below is a guide to the main steps. Mesothelioma is different for everyone and you may not go through each step in the order shown. You can use the diagram to see what stage you are at and read the section relevant to you.
The diagnosis stage is represented as a central pathway leading to active treatment. This will involve making treatment decisions about the best care for you. During these periods, your health care team will also focus on treating symptoms and improving your quality of life.

Treatment and Support for Pleural Cancer

Asbestos cancer is more commonly known as mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma, the type of cancer most commonly associated with asbestos exposure, is a malignancy that occurs in the lining of the lungs, abdomen, and heart. A mesothelioma diagnosis is generally classified as one of the following three types: pleural mesothelioma which occurs in the lining of the lungs (the pleura); peritoneal mesothelioma which occurs in the lining of the abdominal cavity (the peritoneum); and pericardial mesothelioma which occurs in the lining of the heart (the pericardium).

Asbestos, which has been used for, quite literally, thousands of years as a fire-retardant and insulation material has long been connected to sickness, though not necessarily cancer until the last 50 years. Once asbestos was classified as a known carcinogen, the Environmental Protection Agency and Consumer Product Safety Commission imposed strict regulations on its use in commercial and industrial products. Unfortunately, many of the companies producing asbestos products were well aware of the hazards which asbestos posed and continued to expose workers and laborers to the harmful asbestos fibers.

The diagnosis of asbestos cancer is often difficult due to the symptoms of the disease mimicking those of other illnesses.

Asbestos cancer diagnosis, including diagnosis of mesothelioma and lung carcinoma, can be difficult because symptoms of the disease can closely mimic those of other, more minor, respiratory complications. Symptoms, such as shortness of breath, chest pain, or chronic cough, may lead physicians to suspect mesothelioma, particularly if the patient has a known asbestos exposure history.

Asbestos CancerGet This Image For Your Site
Diagnostic tools include CT scans and MRIs for patients where asbestos cancer is suspected. In most cases, these imaging scans will be able to provide a picture of the tumor, but a biopsy will likely be required to determine a conclusive diagnosis of mesothelioma rather than other lung carcinomas. In cases where pleural or peritoneal effusions have manifested in the patient, draining these and extracting the fluid through pleurocentesis can allow oncologists to test the fluid for the presence of malignant cells.

Asbestos Cancer Treatment

Asbestos cancer treatment options typically include some combination surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation

Depending on the location of the cancer, generally asbestos related malignancies can be difficult to resect because the latency period over which the cancer goes undetected can often extend into the time period where the tumor develops through its preliminary stages. Later stage cancers, and particularly those related to asbestos, will often not be resectable malignancies. While diagnosis of early stage asbestos cancer is uncommon, certainly those eligible for surgical removal will often have the cancer resected. Adjuvant chemotherapy is often administered after surgery to complement the resection.

Pleurectomy and extrapleural pneumonectomy, both extensive surgeries, are often used in the treatment of pleural asbestos cancer. Surgery is much less common in malignant peritoneal and pericardial cancer, as the origin of the tumor is difficult to access without endangering the survival of the patient.

Top Mesothelioma Surgeons in the Country
David Sugarbaker, M.D.
David Sugarbaker, M.D.

Professor of Surgery, Chief of General Thoracic Surgery, Director of the Lung Institute Map Marker Baylor College of Medicine
Get Connected
Raphael Bueno, M.D.
Raphael Bueno, M.D.

Chief, Division of Thoracic Surgery; Vice Chair of Surgery for Cancer and Translational Research Map Marker Brigham and Women's Hospital
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Chemotherapy is the most frequently utilized treatment mechanism for the control of asbestos cancer. Drugs like Alimta®, Cisplatin, and Gemcitabine have all been used with varying degrees of efficacy to halt or slow the spread of malignant mesothelioma and lung carcinomas. Ongoing clinical trials continue to test new drugs and drug cocktails for the management and treatment of asbestos cancer. Recent trends suggest that researchers are making strides in determining approved treatment regimens not only for malignant pleural mesothelioma, but also peritoneal and pericardial cancers.

Currently, the only FDA-approved chemotherapy regimen for the asbestos cancer malignant pleural mesothelioma is a combination of Alimta® and Cisplatin, delivered intravenously, with 21 days between each subsequent injection. Asbestos lung cancer carcinomas are also treatable with chemotherapy. Because asbestos cancer incidence of this type is much more prevalent (and not necessarily directly attributable to asbestos exposure), there are many more chemotherapy options available to patients.

External beam radiation is popular among patients receiving treatment for pleural and peritoneal cancer. Pericardial cancer patients may also utilize radiation in the control of their cancer, but in lower dosages considering the region's proximity to the heart. Radiation therapy is considered useful for palliation as well to prevent malignant cells from taking hold again following surgery.

As part of developing studies into the control of asbestos cancer through radiotherapy, researchers have begun utilizing brachytherapy to control mesothelioma tumor spread and growth. Brachytherapy is an internal radiation source implanted in the affected area which has shown promise in clinical studies in reducing tumor mass and slowing. Every year, survival rates are extended further and more funding is now being invested in research to evaluate new options for treatment. Researchers hope to, one day, find a cure for mesothelioma.

Resources for Asbestos Cancer Patients and Families

Request a Free Asbetsos Cancer Treatment Guide
Connect with Top Asbestos Cancer Doctors
Locate the Nearest Comprehensive Cancer Center
Support a Loved One Diagnosed with Asbestos Cancer
Learn about your Legal Rights
Financial Assistance Available to Help with Treatment Costs
Financial Assistance for Asbestos Cancer Victims

Many asbestos cancer patients have successfully collected compensation from asbestos companies responsible for their exposure.

Unfortunately, it has come to light in recent years that many manufacturers of asbestos products were fully aware of the harmful nature of asbestos fibers and continued to expose hundreds of thousands of laborers to the toxic mineral. Asbestos products were prevalent in naval shipyards, power plants, oil refineries, and in ventilation/steam fixtures. Asbestos was also common in home construction materials, automobile parts, and thousands of other products.

Fortunately, you may be eligible for financial assistance if you have been diagnosed with asbestos-related cancer or other injury. While prognosis for asbestos related cancer is often poor, those who have been exposed negligently are able to secure compensation for their treatment as well as for their families in their battle with terminal disease. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma or other asbestos disease, we urge you to fill out the brief form on this page. We'll send you an up-to-date information packet on new treatment options for mesothelioma, how to obtain compensation for your injuries, and important timelines associated with legal recourse for asbestos cancer patients.

11 Manfaat Telur Bebek Bagi Kesehatan & Kecantikan

Manfaat telur bebek bagi kesehatan banyak sekali sebab telur memiliki kandungan protein yang sangat banyak. Bahkan protein yang terkandung di dalam telur bebek lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan telur ayam, telur bebek pun banyak dijadikan sebagai telur asin karena kualitas dari telur bebek lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan telur ayam. Tekstur telur bebek yang kenyal, lezat dan dapat menyerap garam lebih tinggi.

Ukuran telur bebek lebih besar dibandingkan dengan ayam. Manfaatnya untuk kesehatan adalah sebagai berikut ini :

1. Menjaga Mata Agar Tetap Sehat

Kandungan vitamin A nya yang tinggi, dipercaya dapat menjaga kesehatan mata.  Mata yang kurang asupan vitamin akan berwarna keruh dan tidak bening lagi. Mata juga menjadi kuning karena kurang vitamin.Satu butir telur bebek mengandung vitamin A sebesar 472 IU, vitamin A dengan kandungan sebesar itu merupakan asupan vitamin yang sangat direkomendasikan setiap harinya.

Manfaat Daging Tokek Secara Ilmiah yang Jarang Diketahui

Banyak orang yang bertanya, mengapa harga tokek bisa menjadi sangat mahal. Bahkan ini sangat tidak sebanding dengan hewan lainnya yang memiliki tubuh jauh lebih besar.

Jika kita belum atau tidak mengetahui penyebabnya, terkadang kita hanya bisa menduga-duga, ada yang bilang tokek digunakan untuk acara spiritual, untuk pesugihan dan lain sebagainya. Apakah itu benar? Saya sendiri sampai saat ini tidak percaya akan hal itu, karena ditempat kami tidak ada yang menggunakan tokek untuk kepentingan ghoib dan mistik.

Tokek yang memiliki kualitas baik sangat dicari oleh para pembisnis tokek. Baik itu tokek rumahan maupun tokek batu dan tokek hutan. Sedangkan untuk menilik harga yang mungkin tembus hingga ratusan juta bahkan milyaran, para pembeli akan melihat berapa bobot dari si tokek dan berapa panjang dari si tokek tersebut.

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