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Home → Olahraga → 21 Manfaat Hula Hoop Untuk Wanita – Diet dan Keseh

1. Mengurangi Lemak Perut

Manfaat hula hoop bagi tubuh yang paling cepat terasa adalah dapat mengurangi lemak perut. Bagi Anda yang berkeinginan mengurangi lemak di bagian perut, salah satu olahraga yang bisa dilakukan ialah dengan menggunakan hula hoop. Hal ini dikarenakan saat Anda menggerakkan perut dengan gerakan melingkar menggunakan hula hoop, lemak di bagian perut akan terbakar dan hilang. Diantara waktu yang direkomendasikan agar memperoleh hasil yang maksimal, Anda harus menggunakan hula hoop minimal selama 30 menit setiap harinya.

2. Meluruhkan Lemak di Pinggang

Selain mengurangi lemak di bagian perut, melakukan olahraga dengan menggunakan hula hoop juga mampu mengurangi lemak di bagian pinggang. Hal ini karena goyangan pinggul selama memutar hula hoop secara konsisten dapat meluruhkan lemak di bagian pinggang. Meskipun sebenarnya lemak di bagian pinggang susah untuk dihilangkan, tetapi dengan melakukan olahraga menggunakan hula hoop secara teratur, rutin, dan serius terbukti ampuh. Oleh karena itu, olahraga hula hoop juga dijadikan bagian di berbagai pusat kebugaran pada kelas aerobik selain melakukan senam.

3. Mengencangkan Pinggul

Bagi Anda, terutama kaum wanita yang kurang percaya diri dengan pinggulnya yang besar apalagi pasca melahirkan, dapat menggunakan hula hoop sebagai piranti olahraga yang juga mampu memberikan manfaat untuk mengencangkan pinggul. Hal ini dikarenakan olahraga menggunakan hula hoop bisa membakar lemak dan kalori tubuh, termasuk yang ada di pinggul hingga tampak kencang, di samping otot-otot pada pinggul yang juga terpengaruh ketika memutarkan hula hoop. Dari sekian banyak orang yang telah mencobanya, olahraga menggunakan hula hoop dalam jangka waktu sebulan secara teratur, rutin, dan serius terbukti ampuh untuk mengencangkan pinggul.


For all of its problems, 2011's Homefront introduced an interesting Red Dawn-like concept, and revisiting post-invasion America in an open-world first-person shooter format sounded promising; but this fledgling FPS franchise has let me down again. There are some genuinely good ideas in Homefront: The Revolution, but nearly every one of them comes with a big fat "but." While initially engaging, the stealth and shooter gameplay quickly becomes tedious, the story is terrible, and a general lack of polish means Homefront: The Revolution fails to make finishing its 20-hour campaign feel worthwhile.

Where The Revolution does succeed is in the atmospheric design of its world. The backstory of a North Korea-occupied United States is present in every part of developer Dambuster's version of Philadelphia. From bombed-out homes to historic landmarks converted into propaganda-covered re-education centers, the authoritarian atmosphere is ever-present.

While it's described as an open world, The Revolution's map is made up of eight separate districts that the main quest drives you through in a decidedly linear order, with few reasons to return to an old one when you're through. The Red Zones, where the fighting was heaviest during the initial invasion, are mostly defined by ruined buildings and piles of rubble. Aside from the occasional switch in color pallets and a few landmarks in the downtown area, these desolate no-man's-land areas feel almost indistinguishable from one another.

Earlston is dirty, the people seem miserable, and it must smell awful.

The populated Yellow Zones, however, are much more diverse and each tells its own story. Earlston, which you visit early on, feels like little more than a glorified refugee camp. It's dirty, the people seem miserable, and it must smell awful. Ashcroft, on the other hand, is where the American KPA collaborators reside, and the alleyways between brownstones are always alive with resentful chatter from the rest of the downtrodden population. While on a technical level the graphics may be underwhelming, the streets of Philadelphia feel world-weary and lived-in.

It's a shame that such a well-crafted world is squandered on such a ponderous and uninspired plot. The story of Homefront: The Revolution is nothing more than a string of forgettable mission objectives sewn together with cliches pulled from the Big Book of Military Shooter Tropes. There were several times that I hoped I might be surprised by an interesting reveal, but alas I was merely treated to yet another facepalm-inducing "twist". Classic eye-rolling moments like "Tertiary Character Gets Bonus Emotional Investment Upon Death" or "Curse Your Sudden-But-Inevitable Betrayal!" are presented by a cast of characters who spend all their time yelling over one another with groan-worthy one-liners.

While there are plenty of discussions meant to make us ponder the fine line between freedom fighter and terrorist, any weight these moments might have had is lost when our boring, mute protagonist silently nods and blindly agrees to blow up the next power station, drone factory or whatever else the Resistance points you at. There are no meaningful decisions to make, which makes me wonder why they didn't give the main character his own voice if his path is set in stone.

How To Unhook A Bra With One Hand

The art and science of taking off your girls bra takes some amount of luck and a lot of practice to master. If she finds out that you are useless when it comes to unhooking the doors to her treasures, chances are that she might start thinking that you will struggle in bed as well.

Therefore, it's really important for you guys to master the art of taking off a girl's bra stealthily and smoothly.

Back Clasping Bras

As back clasping bras are by far the most common types worn by women, your fingers should always proceed there by default. Back clasping bras can be quite difficult to unhook as there's no way you can see where your fingers are moving. The clasping system can have either one, two or three clasps that hook into the eyelets that are fixed on the other strap. To unclasp a bra, you need to release the hooks that are attached to the eyelets. There are several different tactics to do this. While the two handed method is the easiest, it can only be done if you and your partner are sitting face to face. So let's discuss the very artful single handed method.
The single handed method is a lot more complicated than using both hands, for the simple reason that often you can only afford to use just one hand to do the job. So carefully read these Xpert tips to ensure that you don't frown and fumble the next time when you are faced with an implacable bra.

- Assuming that you are facing her, take one hand behind her underneath her clothing.

- Then slide your index finger from top between the bra and back, so that your nail is actually facing her skin.

- Using your index finger gently pull the straps of her bra from her back, thereby creating a smallish gap between her back and the bra.

- Then, use your middle finger and your thumb to squeeze the bra inwards. Once you have done this, remove the index finger.

- Now move the thumb outwards and the middle finger inwards in a snapping motion, which just pull the eyelets out of the hooks.

- And you are done. It's a little tricky, so make sure that you practice this method a few times before trying it on your girl.

Front Clasping Bras

The front clasp, as shown in the illustration, isn't all that difficult to undo, but because they aren't as common as back clasping bras, they can be a tad difficult to identify. So when your fingers start exploring your girl's back for those elusive clasps and you aren't able to locate them, then don't take too long to figure out that she probably prefers wearing front clasping bras. Though the fastening system in these bras tends to vary, the one shown in the illustration is by far the most common among them. It basically has a plastic hook going through the eyelet of the second strap.

Removing front clasping bras stealthily is hardly possible because of the simple reason that they are right there in front of you. You can easily use both your hands to remove these bras, once you have understood how this system works. Just grab each clasp with one hand and pull them towards each other, unlatching the clasp. Gently twist the plastic clasp by ninety degrees that would allow it to move out of the eyelet. And Voila!